
Style By Color
is celebrating the launch of our new blog
and Mother's Day with an
amazing giveaway!
We invite you to be part of a contest that celebrates
the incredible impact mothers have on each of us
We're awarding
one mother/daughter duo
a brand new experience from
Style By Color -
a unique, virtual
Color Experience
appointment with Shari
so you can discover your best colors together!​
Shari Braendel
Founder, Style By Color
What a beautiful way to honor a mom who's had a unique influence on others!
If her story wins, BOTH of you will:
be treated to a 2-hr virtual Color Analysis Experience for two
learn how to flatter your beauty through the use of color and style
be gifted a set of digital color swatches for your Color Code

Your private appointment for two will introduce you to your Color Code, a palette of 36 colors that are flattering to your unique combination of skin tone, hair color & eye color. This virtual experience will help you to learn how to buy clothing in hues that will build a beautiful wardrobe!